
Lots of hair and a little boy

Bit busy lately, trying to do/buy all the things in the house that I haven't got round to doing/buying since we moved. We have visitors at the end of the month so what better excuse to finally get things done!

Apart from that, I've been cutting hair (for my Advent calendar)..

And I've finally started on my rainbow quilt (fabric bought and cut back in February!!).
Y seemed to like it, he went to lie down on it as soon as I put it on the floor!

He seemed to quite like my new fabrics (for the quilt and the calendar) too! Or maybe he was just tired..


  1. Si ça lui permet de faire la sieste, tu vas regretter de ne pas l'avoir fait avant. J'aime bien les trucs arc-en-ciel. Et en vue d'ensemble?

    1. Vue d'ensemble coming soon! Quand j'aurai fini!

  2. Scary tous ces scalps...

  3. Anonymous2.10.12

    so cute this little boy.
    your blog has been changed, you did ?
