
My week #37


I can always count on a little walk around the Southbank to make me smile / fresh lavender dotted around the house / loving those colourful tiles / seeing Mood Indigo at the cinema - I smiled and laughed my way through the absolutely bonkers first half of this movie but I found the second half dark, confusing and a little bit disappointing.. / finding a place for my family cross stitch - I think it will be part of an embroidery hoop wall I am imagining for the spare room (like this one I've shown before) / the Maritime Museum and one of the best views of London from the Royal observatory in Greenwich

Y has now gone back to school and I am looking forward to having a few hours to myself in the morning and finding my own routine again.. Hope you all have a good week!


  1. I a m an absolute fan of your cross stitches :-) Must be so great to live in London...I'm dreaming about living in GB!

  2. I'm in love with your front door tiles!
    it's beautiful (t)here :)

    1. Le carrelage n'est pas celui devant chez moi mais celui d'un cafe a Tooting ou je m'arretais par hasard prendre mon traditional green tea ;)

  3. Oh the ship in the bottle is beautiful ... Bee xx

  4. Je t'envie!!!! Moi je n'ai plus beaucoup de temps pour faire autre chose que l'école... Et du temps libre, bah j'connais pas?! Veinarde! Profite!!!!
