
My week #14


Receiving the first of my #PostCircle letters / my new trainers / looking for fossils at the Grant Museum of Zoology and coming back with shark and stringray teeth dating back millions of years ago! / reading books - check out the toy phone stuck behind his back.. / more snow!! / spring (!?) flowers / a trip to the science museum / starting a time capsule with M, eg a box full of stuff about how he is, what he's up to and what he likes today that I will hide in the cellar and take out in 10 years time - this is a letter to his 16 year old self which he loved writing! I'm quite pleased with the fact that his favourite thing in the whole wide world is going to school - long may it last!! We're having lots of fun putting this time capsule together..


  1. Elles sont belles tes nouvelles chaussures, très printanières!! Mais sont-ce bien là des "trainers"? Bonne semaine...

  2. Those trainers look great!

  3. Oh I love the time capsule idea ... what other things will you include ... Bee xx

    1. Lots and lots of things! Drawings, certificates from school, some toys, lots of photos, outlines of his hand and foot, a little bit of hair, food labels, coins and stamps, grocery receipt, postcards, medals.. There's so many things that could go in there! I will write a letter for him too..

  4. J'adore les chaussures!

  5. What a wonderful idea to make a time capsule, he's going to love opening that up when he's older. Lovely new trainers - very spring like! xx

  6. Ahhhhhh ! ces chaussures sont tops !!! d’où viennent elles ,??? si je ne suis pas trop indiscrète...

  7. <Une tuerie ces chaussures!!!!!
    Et j'adore l'idée de la "capsule temporelle".

  8. Love your shoes!!
    Thank you so so much again!!

  9. Thanks girls. I do love my new shoes ;)!
