
Happy 100 (giveaway)!

My blog's 1st birthday passed without me really noticing but I love the idea of marking the occasion.. so I'll be celebrating my 100th post instead, like Bee over at the linen cloud..
To say thank you for popping by, for looking through my little window, thank you occasional visitors, regulars and anonymous readers, thank you for your lovely comments and encouraging words..

Now, there's this thing called a "box" that's taken France by storm recently. It's a new concept that you sign up for to receive a box full of surprises in your letterbox each month. There's the tea box, which I tried and really liked, there's the girly box, all kind of food boxes, there's a kids box too.. And then I saw this one, and I thought I'd love to make my own box too!
I already talked a little bit here about how much I enjoy putting little parcels together and so I'm offering you the chance to win a box of my creation, a box full of surprises, a little bit of me, a little bit of London, a little bit of the things I like and I hope you'll like too..

Anyone can take part, just leave a comment then I'll get an innocent little hand to draw the lucky winner on 10th March (his birthday!), and that lucky winner will receive my box by the end of the month. Good luck!

Ginette's organising a giveaway for her blog's 1st birthday too, go have a look!


  1. I definitely take part and I cross my fingers to be the lucky winner ;)
    Happy 100th post!!

  2. Oh yes please ... can I enter ... what a lovely little treat to receive ... and here's to hundreds more lovely posts :) ... Bee xx

  3. Oh!!Yes ...Je participe biensûr ;)
    Je croise les doigts ...et je passe vite par ici pour te dire de surveiller ta boîte aux lettres ...
    Bizettes de où tu sais ; )

  4. Oh oui, moi z'aussi je participe !

  5. A year already!?! I want to celebrate too! ...and take my chance to win the treasure box ;-)
    Happy 100th post.

  6. Yeah yeah yeah! déjà 100 jolis posts! bravo!
    Oh ça va être une boite de trésors ça oui!

  7. Yeah! (mince pas très originale!)
    Je t'ai découvert il y a peu mais j'aime beaucoup ton blog (nonobstant le fait qu'il soit en anglais et que je suis une bille en langue donc je dois me creuser la tête pour tout comprendre) mais bref, là, j'ai bien compris... Et je joue avec plaisir que ce soit pour l'anniv en retard ou les 100 posts!
    Et puis j'adoooore les surprises!

  8. Happy 100th post. This is such a lovely idea for a giveaway, I would love to enter please. x

  9. Etant une fidèle parmi les fidèles de ton blog, je souhaite te féliciter de le mener avec autant de constance et de talent. Et il y a de nombreux petits clins d'oeil qui me touchent beaucoup...Bien sûr je m'inscris à ton tirage au sort!!! Bon premier anniversaire.

  10. Happy 100th! Je joue aussi ; )

  11. oui!oui!oui!!!un peu de londres!!!j'adore!!!;))
    happy 100!!!

  12. Happy 100th! Bear and Bug x
