
Craft it forward 2013

I can't really remember how I came across this concept, probably on one of the millions of blogs I read.. But I love the idea so I am taking part in the Craft it forward 2013 challenge!

So what is it?
The idea is that the first five people to comment on this post will receive something handmade by me, anytime in the next year, whenever the mood strikes me.. There is a catch though! Those five people must make the same offer on their blog (or Facebook). 
And so.. people all over the world (5x5x5x5..) will be receiving handmade goodness this year, how cool is that!?

And remember, you don't need to be able to sew or knit or crochet to take part.. Your gifts can be as simple as a card, a batch of cookies, a poem.. So come on, join me and get crafting!

And you could be receiving something like this.. (Remember those flowers? Well, a few pipe cleaners, a few bits of felt and a glue gun later..)

.. or something totally different!!


  1. thanks for joining my craft-it-forward 5, i'm looking forward to making something for you and also to the something from you :)
    Aniko from idleneedle.blogspot.com

  2. je m'inscris !!!!

  3. Je ne sais pas si je peux jouer vu que tu m'as deja bien gâtée via l'échange de Lauriane ; )
    Mais le projet me plait bien...
    Bizettes du nord et a très bientôt ; )

  4. Allez, oui, je le fais !

  5. Pfff, j'ai été déconnectée au moment de laisser mon message. Alors je le refais (en plus courte).
    Je serais ravie de participer à cet échange car j'ai aimé découvrir ton univers via ton blog et que je serais ravie de partager à mon tour un peu de mois avec ceux qui le souhaitent. :)

  6. Thank you for commenting on my blog! I love the idea of sending and receiving something from you. So keep an eye out in the post and so will i! Please send me your address to my email thebearandbug@blogspot.com and then i will send you mine. Cheers! x
